A Brief History of Browsers and Web Design

Early Browsers (1991)

BBEdit released (1992)

MOSAIC (1993)

Netscape Navigator (1994)

Internet Explorer (1995)

Creating Killer Web Sites and Early CSS (1996)

Macromedia Flash (2000)

Internet Explorer 6.0 Bundled with Windows XP (2001)

WaSP (1998)

CSS Zen Garden (2003)

Designing with Web Standards (Zeldman, 2003) and the continued fight for web standards

Mozilla Firefox 1.0 (2004)

Web 2.0 (2004)

AJAX and Web Applications (2005)

iPhone (2007)

Google Chrome released (2008)

The End of Flash (2010)

Responsive Web Design (2010)

  • Mobile has changed the landscape